So this is from the Mardi Gras party that I went to with another roommate and yeah, it was really fun!
OK so this is Paige, my roommate, and this is also my new Hair color! As you can obviously tell in the previous pic and compare to this one, it is DARKER! Just the way I like it!
We had a Facials night - SUPER DUPER fun! My pores felt EXTREMELY CLEAN!!!
SO Paige brought me some British food, I don't remember the EXACT name for it but basically, it's an egg wrapped in Sausage and let me tell you... IT'S THE BEST THING EVER!! Much like the roommate who brought it to me!!!
So this pic is a little old but I let Paige, crimp my hair and took a pic of it at the best angle possible!
So yeah, I'll probably do a summer blog but just extend it through this one, so I don't have to create a whole other one... or maybe... I will... I don't know yet, tell you later. GOOD NIGHT!
~Allanah Staggs