Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week Seven

      Hello everyone!! Before I begin.... a BIG thank you to those who read this!! It's really nice to know that I'm not wasting my time writing this!!!
        Monday was Presidents' Day so... NO SCHOOL!! Made me very happy! What did I do?? I sat in my room... and did homework, whoopee. Then I watched an excessive amount of Netflix then went on walk. It was also the day when all the roommates came back and I'm not going to lie, while it is nice to have them back, I kinda miss all the quietness, not saying they're loud but I miss being able to blast my music with no complaints. Oh well, I'll live. I also studied a bit for my first GNST's test. A vocab test. I have to memorize words like "Procrastination", "Self Esteem" and "Value".... oh yeah... definitely a tough test.
      Tuesday, we went through the Monday schedule, so instead of just Math and Dreadful English. I got to go to GNST (well not really because I had a test instead) but I had Theater, Math and Institute! Best part is that... I get to have it again tomorrow!!! ONLY ONE DAY OF DREADFUL ENGLISH THIS WEEK!!!! So happy. Not that I don't LOVE english, because I do.. I'm just bored because everything we're learning, I already learned my Junior year of high school and not to mention my teacher is a complete and utter psycho, I'm not even going to get into that... The Vocab test was pretty easy, hopefully I get a good grade on it! Theater had been spectacular!!! I so wish there was a logical career that involved Theater (Don't say Drama teacher, I completely and utterly refuse) and me acting! Our Shakespearean project is getting along quite nicely, we're hammering memorization, which is vital! Institute was amazing - as usual!! So we get institute tomorrow too!!! EEK! I can't wait!!! I wish I could just have my Monday and Wednesday schedule everyday... to put it short.. I wish I could drop English, but alas, I cannot! 
       Wednesday was just as amazing as Tuesday! Again... probably because I didn't have English.. but I do tomorrow along with a Math test! Thankfully I can take it either on Thursday or Friday.... I'm going with Friday, more study time! I have a story about today!! If you didn't see it on Facebook then here you go! 
So there's these couple of prissy popular girls in my theater class and I've never paid them any mind and they've done the same. In Theater we're doing this game thing that involves focus and the whole game is rather complicated so I'm going to skip the rules.. But the subject of Disney came up. For those of you who really know me, know that I'll know some things but won't attest to being "specialized" in it. Disney is my specialty. I don't know everything there is to know about Disney but I know about 95% of it including all of the Disney Men names... This girl tried to tell me that "The Prince" was Cinderella's Prince's name... and that Snow White had "Prince Charming"... for those of you who watch Once Upon a Time, I'm with you! I've seen it! I know they call him Prince Charming BUT that's because they couldn't go around calling him "The Prince"! Do you understand how confusing that would have been?!? So they switched them and when she said that, I doubted my knowledge (like I tend to do) and said nothing plus, I really didn't want to get into an argument over it. It wasn't worth being hated over. When I got home... I looked it up, just to double check my Disney Knowledge. I AM COMPLETELY RIGHT!!! Snow White's Prince is known as "The Prince" and Cinderella's is known as "Prince Charming"!!! DON'T CHALLENGE ME WHEN IT COMES TO PRINCE'S OR PRINCESSES NAMES! Gah! Really annoyed me because she said it in a way that was supposed to make me feel stupid like *high pitched annoying girl voice* "Duh, everyone knows that Snow White has Prince Charming and Cinderella has The Prince".... No... Just... No.... 
Besides that, the day was good and uneventful!
       Thursday... not as good as Monday through Wednesday! English was insane and boring, math about the same hahaha! Nothing to really report!
     Friday! Got the test back from GNST and I still got an 'A' but I missed the first two questions but it's all good. We're learning about Money Management and the only thing that ever comes to mind when I think about Money Managing is my dad trying to teach me little kid me who could absolutely care less about managing money but I'm learning it now.. My partner and I performed our Romeo and Juliet Scene and apparently... I just wasn't whiny enough or as my teacher put it "Pissy" I was angry enough either. I take that as a compliment but I thought we did pretty well. I also took another Math test on Friday, hoping that I passed. I don't care what the grade is as long as it's passing...!!
    Saturday I woke up at eight in the morning and didn't get out of bed till noon... I was watching a movie! After the movie, I spiffied up in my room, got dressed and walked to Walmart with my list. Got everything I needed and it was within my budget!! I had $61 in my wallet and part of me wanted to splurge a little bit but I told myself not to go over twenty five dollars... The total amount?? Twenty Three!! Hooray! The weather had been nice too! That night, I watched "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" in my room while attending to some laundry. Didn't get to bed until midnight! The movie was good, slightly anti climactic but pretty good!
      Sunday! At church we got a new bishopric and I felt a little bad that I didn't cry.. Girls all around me were sniffling and I just sat there like. "Ok, bye, nice knowing ya!" Probably because I barely knew them but I like the new bishopric already, they seem nice. Going over to the counselor's house for Waffles tonight (Yay look at me being social!) 

    Can't wait to take on next week's challenges! I love you all and thank you for reading my blog, truly means a lot to me!! 

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