Hey y'all!! It has been a WHILE. Anyways, this post mostly covers last week and the weekend before last!!
So if you haven't seen my pictures on Facebook, I went to Fan X (Downgraded Comic Con) with my sister and I had a dream fulfilled!! I got to dress up as Belle!!! It's literally my favorite thing! Thanks to my Great Aunt Roberta, who made the dress, and my sister, Erin, who not only bought my ticket but helped me with my hair!! Seriously lemme tell you!
I had to order hair extensions because my hair is too short and too fine to replicate Belle's main ponytail style. So I just ordered a 18" inches of hair and it's amazing! When put in correctly, I look awesome with long thick flowy curly hair! XD Anyways....
Thursday night, the night before Fan X, Erin and I did a run through of my hair and it looked terrible. I'm not exaggerating either. It looked like I let a ten year old try and make my hair look like Belle's. It was so bad that I cried in the shower because I was worried that it would look like that the next day. Friday morning rolled around and my hair looked a lot better, not perfect but definitely a huge step up from last night.
The first day of Fan X wasn't really exciting because there weren't a ton of people there (because it was a work day) but it was still fun to see all the people who dressed up. I think the one exciting thing that came out of the Fan X (day 1) is that we saw Peter Pan and he saw me and in the middle of a conversation with someone else eh waved at me and called out "Hey Belle!" to which I responded with "Bonjour Peter!" It was perfect.
Though let's be honest... for me the real highlight of Friday was seeing Beauty and the Beast after waiting for three years. Yeah, you read that right.. three years. So you'd think that after waiting that long I'd be at the theater an hour early. Nope. In fact we missed twenty minutes of the movie. The first four songs. I don't know what happened, I could've been dyslexic on my ticket times but I'm convinced that the theater changed times and either didn't email me or my email put in the spam file... Either way we missed twenty minutes of precious movie time and there were people in our seats. Thankfully, a really nice security guard helped us out and gave us a free ticket to another movie! It was super nice of him! The movie though (the parts that we saw) was AMAZING. I cried so many times. I can't even. Hopefully I'm going to see it again on Tuesday so I can watch the whole thing without missing stuff.
Fan X day two (Saturday) was a lot more eventful! Quick Side note: For those of you who don't know, I struggle with Anxiety and Depression. I have meds for these so it makes living a lot easier. This fact is important for the story.
Anyways, there were a lot more people. Erin and I found a better hair tutorial, which made me look more like Belle and it took us literally five minutes.. I was both happy and irritated that we didn't find it yesterday but it's all good. Like I said, it was really crowded and there were a few spots where I had almost gotten an anxiety attack just because there was so much and I guess my brain couldn't deal with it but thankfully a full blown anxiety attack didn't happen! The highlights for the day were: Meeting James Roday (Sean Spencer from Psych) and getting him to sign Dad's copy of Psych. Along with that we got him a Chuck badge, which he loved! The other highlight was when a little girl walked past me and said "Hi Belle!" My heart just melted and I said hello back. Finally the BEST highlight of the day was as we were leaving.
Erin and I were headed towards an escalator but the up wasn't working and I've got a knee problem so we decided to go to the other end and use that escalator. We're almost there when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning, my eyes grow wide at the sight of someone dressed up as Beast! It's so well done as well. He's panting so I can tell that he had to run and he was struggling to speak a little because of it. So I ask him if we can take a picture! It's funny because my goal was to find a Gaston and take themed picture but I ended up finding a Beast instead (haha). Anyways, he nods and gets out that that's why he was chasing me. Apparently he'd been taking pictures with all the Belles' (should I be jealous? lol). So we took the picture (displayed here)
After we'd finished we got to talking a little bit until a girl asked if she could take a picture. I'm thinking she wants a solo one with just the Beast but then she says that she wanted me in it as well. So I position myself back into the picture and after she's done. A few more people just took regular pictures of us together. Literally we were standing there arms around each other for five minutes as people took our picture and wanted a picture with us. It's was amazing.
After that we left, caught the train back to Orem, met up with Mom, packed my things and went home for Spring Break. Spring Break wasn't really eventful, I read my first pleasure book of the year! I was surrounded by my family and my cat, so it was a good break!
I hope you're guys' week is amazing and I hope you know that you're loved and that you're important. Also I'm going to start ending these things with my mantra which is... "Have Courage and Be Kind" (you win if you know the reference)
Anyways... Have Courage and Be Kind...
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