Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The End of a Chapter..

       Well that's a wrap on Snow College. I passed all of my classes (including Math, so excited!) and actually ended up graduating Institute but only because my bishop had asked me and I couldn't really say no to the bishop but he assured me that I could continue taking Institute! The thing I want to focus on in this blog post is about all the things I learned during my year and a half at Snow.
          1) I learned to be patient and tolerant of people, who I don't get along with. It's incredibly important to try to love those who don't love you. I can tell you from experience that having my first roommate was the first challenge and it was the hardest challenge but I'm sure that there are many bad roommates to come.... hit me with your best shot...

         2) God is our shoulder, our anchor. I lost a very special person that first semester of school and it was the hardest thing I had to go through so far in life and for the longest time I thought I was going through it by myself because I didn't have friends at school to cry to, to listen to my pain (not that I would have told anyone anyway..) but through that trial I learned through going to church, institute and my own personal scripture reading that God is there when we are hurting, he wants us to talk to Him when we are in  pain. He loves us so much.

         3) Opening up to people has always been a trial for me, I think it will continue to be a trial but last fall I learned that not all new people are nice for the sake of being nice or because they have to be. Sometimes there are people out there who do genuinely care and it's okay to let them in. Not all at once but little by little.

        4) For being perpetually single (by choice) I found out that I give pretty good guy advice! I have four people (who will remain nameless but you know who you are) who have come to me and either laid on my bed, sat on their floor/or chair,  in front of the Bistro or just on the phone and asked me about some guy advice! So in the future when I'm ready to immerse myself in the dating scene I should be pretty ship shape haha (not...)

       5)  Marriage isn't that bad! Not that I'm close to getting married anytime soon, I no longer resent when people in church talk about the importance of marriage and it's something that I want, one day... I don't cringe nearly as much when the topic in conference is marriage. I'm still rather terrified of the concept but I know that if my future spouse and I keep Christ in the center of our marriage we should do okay... hopefully!

        6) God has a plan for us! A lot of the times it isn't going to be the one we want. For a while my plan, my set plan was to finish at Snow then go to SUU and if that didn't plan out then I was going to rejoin some of my friends in BYU-I but for some strange reason it isn't what God wants me to do. I struggled for a long time comprehending with the fact that god wants me to go to UVU, a school I never had any interest in, I was avoiding that place because of certain people I desperately want to avoid (they shall remain nameless as well). I learned that I need to trust God more and that's the reason I am going to Utah Valley University with an open mind and blinded footsteps.

       7) Love is hard and most often it hurts, especially when you have to say goodbye to the first best friends you made since moving to Utah. Most of the times you can get so caught up in the happy memories, the hilarious nights and the entertaining days then forget that one day it's all going to end. One day you're surrounded by a fantastic group of girls who make you feel loved in a way that you hadn't felt in over two years.  They're always there to listen to you and you're there for them as well. It's not easy to find a group of friends who make you feel special, valued and encourage you to love yourself and to follow your dreams. As of now, I've got a group of friends who are like that in two states but the one thing they have in common? They are so far away.. I hate goodbyes, I've always hated them. Leaving on May 1st was the hardest thing. To walk through the door and to my mom's van, knowing or not knowing rather, when I would see these people again had broken my heart.  Now I just feel like a hollow shell, doing what I have to and nothing else.

The year and a half I spent at Snow College was the best and hardest days I've lived so far and the way my life goes I count on plenty more hard days ahead...

Thank you to all who contributed to my journey. Let's start another one this fall!