Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week Four! New Month, New Goals!!

            So first off I hope everyone had a GREAT week! Happy February guys! January has been a month of changes and challenges. This week has been a challenge for me all on its own!

          So Monday... nothing special happened, except Institute, that class always manages to make me happy!
         Tuesday, was probably the worst day of that week... I got my Math test back and I'm already nervous to get it back it doesn't help when my teachers starts to tell us that on average the class did poorly and then he starts to draw diagrams with percents in them telling us that if we're in this certain percent then we should think about dropping the class and do the class with a Computer programs called "i learn" for any and all out there who know me.. I can NOT learn through a computer, nope, can't and I prayed in that class that I wouldn't be in that percentage... Alas.. I was. No, I'm not dropping the class because of one bad test, all I can do is give this stupid Math class my 300% out the 200% I was already giving it.  English was brutal because I'm not showing up in the role even though my OWN schedule says I'm in there and the teacher decides to talk about it in front of the whole entire class. All that attention is not fun to experience.  Anything good come from Tuesday? Yes, I ate Ice cream.
         Wednesday, had been a better day, not sure why... Institute? Seriously, I'm not trying to negative at all, I'm just telling you how the week went and it went badly. Not a good week at all! If I wasn't feeling overwhelmed with Math and English, then physically I wasn't feeling well. BLAH! But going to Institute really helps me.
       Thursday started out pretty fletchin' fantastic because of a dream I had. You guys should know by now that I get pretty amazing, weird, long and vivid dream. This dream was not one of those dreams. It was short and the best parts about it, I barely remember and since this is my blog I'm going to tell you my dream, if you don't want to read it... skip all the Italics.. 
       So I was at Grandma Robertson's house (my mothers' mom) and I was in the basement/downstairs part of the house getting dressed. Joseph (my brother) was standing in the middle of the room. He and I had an argument about who got to stay in the downstairs and who got to leave. So I did what I did best and dragged him to another room and locked it while I got dressed. After he raced upstairs I took my jolly good time getting up there. When I did the whole upstairs was crowded (and it's not a very huge upstairs) everyone from my mom's side of the family had gathered together (and instead of placing all the tables in the large back yard we were all crammed in the house, I just thought it was funny). I sit at the table closest to the front door and I sat facing the door. A knock echoed and everyone yelled "Come in!" and in comes my cousins' Hanna and Sarah with their kids and husbands. They're both warmly greeted by us all and since it's virtually impossible to move around the house, they both sit across from me. We talked for a while then I blacked out...
   Next thing I know I'm in a dimly lighted horse coral sort of thing just surrounded by American Quarter horses. I have an impulse to put them back in their separate stalls and I do this. All that's left is one horse who doesn't want to go in yet. So I climbed on top of it (bare back, a thing I have done only once and promised myself that I wouldn't do it again.) and we canter around the coral. After a while a voice calls out to me, telling me to come. I reply with something along the lines of  "You'll have to catch me first". He chortles like it's an easy thing I've challenged him to do. He does this weird whistle thing that I can't even begin to reciprocate and like a magic the horse I'm on just comes to him no matter how much I yank or kick. Finally, the horse stops  and the guy pulls me off of the horse. I can't tell you what he looked like (usually I can but this time I can't...) the only thing I remember about him is that he wore Cowboy boots and blue jeans... So he pulls me off and I remember something flirtatious went down when all of a sudden some weird shawomen.. or maybe his mother... I don't know... came in and told us that they horses have food poisoning and that she could tell because of their... well feces... (I don't even  know if that's how you tell if a horse is sick or not). So me and Cowboy boots rushed around, cleaned the hay, exchanged the food/ water and cleaned up the uh droppings and that's when I noticed a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I had never in my life had felt before. It felt like I was getting kicked but in a good way.. I don't know how to explain it but I noticed it because out in the distance I saw Benedict Cumberbatch and usually he gets my heart going (don't know who he is? Google him) but this time I didn't feel anything and when I looked back at the Cowboy boots the warm, fuzzy, kicking feeling came back and a smile that reached my ears came back....
      So after that I blinked back into Grandmas' dinner and Hanna had asked me a question (don't remember what it was but I replied 'no') Just then Cowboy boots comes up and asks me to take a walk with him. By some miracle we were able to get out of the house and outside on a walk without damaging a thing! We walked around for a while until we ended back at the house. He told me that he loved my family and how funny everyone was. Then he told me that the past 6 months were the best thing ever and wondered if I would be willing to spend forever with him. I started crying (don't know why because I'm 99.9% sure that if I was ever going to be proposed to, I'd start laughing with joy before crying.. jus' sayin') so of course I said yes... Then Aunt Lynn came bursting out of the house telling everyone that I had said yes. Everyone else came out and I asked "Why are we celebrating... aren't at we at a funeral?" then I WOKE UP!

            From the moment I woke up til the moment I went back to sleep that night I couldn't stop smiling, no matter how much I tried to stop and just wear a normal face. The memory of how I felt during that dream just came back and I don't know.. I just felt really happy, even now as I remember it I feel that warm fuzzy feeling from before.. Weird but nice.

       Friday it had started to Snow... so of course..  I RAN OUTSIDE IN MY PJS AND PENGUIN HAT AND STARTED TO SING "LET IT GO" FROM FROZEN WHILE PRETENDING TO BE ELSA! Yup I got some stares but man... it was worth it!

     Saturday... nothing happened, I watched "Rent" for the first time and I have to say.. It may have some Taboo subjects about it but it was really good. The music was simply fantastic! The story line, not so much, I felt like it was a little under developed and some characters were under developed but the music!! I could listen to some of those songs all day! I also did my math homework and got started on my English Essay and when I say "got started" I mean.. I wrote out my outline.
     Sunday I went to church and for the first time in a whole year I bore my testimony and even got a little emotional.. not something I'm proud off. Went to all of my classes and oh the best part.. I lost my I.D card... Funny because we had a lesson on trials... Me losing my I.D card is a definite trail, because now I have to go pay a $10 fee on top of my other fees, which were due last week but can't pay it because my loan has still not come in... So this week has its' challenges...

        So since it's February that means... NEW MONTHLY GOALS!!! I am proud to say that I have fulfilled January's goals if you don't remember what they are then... go back  to the beginning of the blog...  So for this month I'm still only setting three goals
1) Make some friends.. My roommates are great.. but I'd like to talk to someone who doesn't live with me.
2) Be more outgoing. I've established acting confident... now it's time to act outgoing and speak my mind more.
3) Become more active in the Student Life. I have lived this whole month in my room... It's getting old... 

If you all wouldn't mind helping me fulfill these goals with any encouragement throughout the month.. That'd be amazing!!!

SO that's all I have for this week, sorry if it was such a downer, you know how I feel living it haha..

I love  and appreciate you all!
Thanks for the support!!

~ Allanah <3 

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