Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 3!!!

           Hello everyone!! So this week has been the fastest but also the longest... I'm thinking that's how college is going to be all the time. The week has been fast because we had Monday but it's been long because thinking back on it... MLK day seemed an eternity ago!
           SO let's start with Monday! Monday we had no school because of Martin Luther King Day and instead of doing nothing like Friday and Saturday of last week I had the wonderful opportunity to actually leave Ephraim, now don't get me wrong, I really like it here but it was nice and refreshing to leave it for a while. My roommate Paige and her mom invited me to go to Provo with them. It was AWESOME! We went to a mall to watch a movie. We saw The Legend of Hercules, a movie we both wanted to see and both came out a little disappointed. My personal review on the movie is not a positive one. I thought the acting was rather poor and cheesy. Speaking of Cheesy... the script was just that. Cheesy. Before the movie Paige and I went into a Hurricane Simulator and all that really did was blow air up to seventy miles in a tube, it literally took my breath away (no pun intended). The movie, the whole day was just amazing and I loved every bit of it. Though I will say seeing Paige with her mom made me miss my own mom a little bit but I'll get to see my family at the end of March for my Spring Break!
       Tuesday we were back at school but I didn't have class till One but I had homework to complete during that time, which I did. My teacher, Mr. Dalley informed us of a test for chapter One that we would have to take on either Thursday or Friday in the Testing Center... Can you say.. NERVOUS!! English my teacher Mrs. Allred told us that we needed to have our first draft of our "Significant Event" essay would be due on Thursday.. Still had no idea on what to right about but figured that I would write about a significant event that happened to my family, it hadn't been significant to me personally but it affected my whole family. "The changes that were made when we moved to Manila and how it changed all of us. "
      Wednesday was boring, nothing really comes to mind that day except that I someone from my institute class, Natalie is her name recognized me as the awful speaker from church that previous Sunday..... This is how the conversation kind of went.
Brother B. (the teacher) "Alright turn around and make sure you know your neighbor's name" Natalie is sitting in front of me. She turns around and asks my name. I tell her and expect her to turn away but she doesn't... For the longest time she stares at me but I don't make eye contact... "Hey, weren't you that girl who spoke last Sunday?" I tense a little bit. My talk.. was soo bad and I'm not saying it because I'm insecure, it was not good guys. I went from cute, "I LOVE DISNEY" girl to my black "Y'ALLS JUST NEED TO LOVE EACH OTHER LIKE GOD DOES!" girl.. so I was nervous that she recognized. I looked up at her and nodded. The next thing out of her mouth shocked me.
"You were SO adorable! Like I turned my friend and I said 'that girl is so cute and we're going to become best friends."
Me: "Oh.."
Natalie: "Yeah, well you're really adorable."
Me:" Thank you..
 Yeah... so what do you say to that?? I hadn't the slightest idea, as far as I was concerned, only friends and family EVER called me adorable... That night though.. I did something completely scary! I 
sang Karaoke in front of the whole first floor of the Academy Square Apartments! I sang the Demi Lovato version of "Let it Go" not really the version I had intended but it had been fine, I did fine. Also that had been the day of compliments! Anytime I walked around campus wearing my "Toy Story Woody Hoodie" a couple of people would tell me that they loved it. It brought a smile to my face. It's nice to hear stuff like that once in a while.
       Thursday... has been the hardest day I had to endure... Thursday I found out that an incredible woman, who I loved, who had been my guide for a long time had passed away from Breast Cancer. Sister Goodman was such an incredible woman, she's a better a woman than I could ever dream of being. I woke up to the news on Facebook and spent the majority of the day crying. Thankfully I didn't have classes till One again, so I could cry without worrying of who might see. Of course Paige saw and let me cry, she hugged me for comfort a little bit and I got texts and messages giving me their condolences and I offered my own as well... She will be greatly missed..  I wore all black with pink socks in her honor and I turned in my first draft in English without really caring about anything. All I wanted to do Thursday was crawl in my bed and not come out.
       Friday, Paige left so I had the room to myself AND I got the AMAZING care package from my family! Included with Letters from everyone, which I loved by the way, Kit kats, a Puzzle, a few items of clothing that I had missed and.... COOKIES!! Oh my gosh I've been craving cookies for like a month!! Still am!!! So Friday night I had really hot date with Cookies, Milk and... Princess Bride!! I was up till 2 a.m and when I decided to go to bed my mind would not let me sleep! It's like 2:30 in the fletchin' morning and I wanted to go to sleep but my brain is just like nooooo why would you want to sleep when you could randomly make a list for Walmart right now! Don't save that for a reasonable hour do it noooww! So I pulled up Netflix watched The Emperors' New Groove and concocted a shopping list after I finished that, I passed out while the movie went on.. Now something weird happened... Usually, when I'm about to pass out, I'll close my laptop and set it back onto my desk but last night I forgot and after having a weird about Justin Bieber hiding out in my Dorm I woke up and found that my laptop had been closed.. No matter how hard I search my brain... I can't remember for the life of me shutting it myself.. It wasn't on my desk, the computer still had refuge on my bed but it had been shut.. just a twinge creepy.
        Saturday has been a big day for me.. Only because I walked from my apartment to Walmart with my shopping list and  everything all by myself, now you don't have to tell me that it isn't safe but come on.. in Nevada I couldn't even go to Smiths' by myself! (For those of you who don't know.. I lived right behind Smiths' in Dayton.. so it's a big deal for me.) Walmart is about a mile and a half away. I walked it all then talked to my parents for a while I shopped for a bit, I bought, Socks,  the FROZEN soundtrack, Liquid Foundation (not sure I like it..), Elastic Headbands, black hair ties, clear hair ties, some milk, a tank, and some Orange Juice (not a gallon, just a small little thing) and I carried them all the way home. Yes, I am proud. For the rest of the day, I really had nothing to do, no homework or anything... so I was bored for the rest of the day... I will admit, I'm a little fearful of going to church tomorrow.. Some boys in my ward were there last week when I gave my crazy black girl talk...
        So during church I felt totally ripped off. The speakers got talk about their favorite Scripture hero! There's no way anyone could mess up a talk like that! They all spoke well and I just felt jipped.. For the rest of the day I watched Disney movies, which make every pain go away for a while haha. Not looking forward to classes, yup I've finally got to the point where I want to be lazy again but alas, I will go to class with a song in my heart.. or in my head... we'll just have to see!

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting and reading this blog! I miss and LOVE you all!!

~ Allanah <3

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