Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week # Two!!!

       Week number two, completed and I got a lot accomplished also! First I would like to give a big thank you to everyone has been so supportive and reading my blog, it really means a lot to me that people care haha... THANK YOU!
        Anyway... My week... On Sunday night I was reading through my scriptures and a thought occurred to me, a thought seemed very out of place while reading my scriptures.. I had the thought that I really should drop my Psychology class. I had been thinking about it.. but at the time that's all it had been, thoughts just running around my head. It isn't like I don't want to take it because I did, I really enjoyed the first week and with the way Professor Marsing was speaking, I felt like I would love the class, even the hard projects but the thought continued throughout my head to Drop Psychology and they didn't stop there, no, they gave me reasons on why I should drop Psychology. I'm thinking and voting on Holy Ghost inspiration, anyone else? So Monday, right after my General Studies class I marched right over to the Student Center, put on my big girl panties and marched right into the "Student Success" a thing I had been terrified to do because I hadn't a positive experience the first time around for my loan.. but with Divine Help, I walked in and waited for someone to come to the front desk and answer my questions about dropping, since I couldn't do it online... terribly inconvenient.... a student who was working in there asked if I needed helped with complete and utter confidence (when I say that, I mean that my whole insides were mirroring earthquakes while playing with whirlwinds.... but my outsides were as calm as a Summer afternoon!) She gave me a sheet to fill out and to sit until someone else would be ready to help me. After I thanked her, I collapsed (I say 'collapse' because I felt that if I were stand for another minute I would have fainted due to all the earthquake activity going on inside me) on to a chair and filled out the designated areas.  After a while she inquired if I had finished or not, I told that I had and she told directed me to another desk cubicle. Numbly, I sat down and handed over my form thingy over to the lady who sat parallel to me. She found my class and informed me that if I were to drop this class, I would be down to 12 credits, I told her that I understood and with a nonchalant expression, she dropped the class then excused me. As soon as I walked out of there, I felt this huge burdened lifted off of me, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, ear to ear all the way back to my flat. Got a few 'hellos' from strangers, which only boosted the smile. I didn't have class till noon. Though as happy as I had felt, it had all gone away when I remembered what was due in my Acting class... My first monologue of the semester.. 
             I hadn't done a monologue since high school, for me that was already a lifetime away... This hadn't been just any old monologue, it had been a famous speech from history.. The speech, I chose for myself was the "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" by Patrick Henry. I had started it that previous weekend, except Sunday (day of rest) and I hadn't gotten very far on Saturday or Friday... I struggled with staying calm, I usually had a few friends in Drama but this time, I had been alone. The whole speech had been four thick paragraphs long... nothing major... right? Our teacher "B" told us to simply get as far as we could get... Death sentence right there! When an Acting teacher tells you to "get as far as you can" that's a hidden message for memorize the whole thing in three days, good luck and May the Odds be EVER in your favor... let's just say they weren't in my favor this time.. I got two paragraphs down by the time I get to class and I'm alright with it. B then tells us that we're going to perform using theater lights (exciting, right? Not this time...) and that she grades easiest on those who go first. Usually, I'm ok if I go in the middle because I've got it memorized for the most part but I didn't have it memorized this time. So who went first? I did... I get up there, with the lights nearly blinding my sight, which is alright with me, makes me less nervous. I start to go... and three words in, I'm a shaking, blubbering mess and stop and ask if I could start over.. B's cool with it. I take a few deep breaths then get a few encourage cheers (and a wolf whistle) from the audience. Then start again and as I talk, I can feel the character of Patrick Henry flow through me.. until I forget my favorite word out of the whole speech - my favorite word! I continue, my Patrick Henry faltering and I didn't even make it past the second sentence in the second paragraph.. which is one that I knew. I got the polite applause everyone is supposed to do after on finishes and walk back to my seat and of course right as I sit down, I remember the rest of the paragraph.. Typical. Let's just say that experience but a dent in the remainder of my day...
        Tuesday, I started applying for my loan and... I'm still waiting for Snow College to tell me what kind of a loan I can apply for... but I got the basics down and I can continue once I get the email, besides that nothing exciting happened.
        Wednesday, I bought my books (finally!) and then discovered that there are a lot of married couples in that class, it's really weird and makes me feel like a creepy spinster, good thing I'm not going to college to date! Went home then looked on the internet "How to Flirt in 13 easy steps"... I've come to a conclusion about flirting... it's tiresome and sounds like a lot of work, work I'm not really willing to do. So flirting is out of the question.. so are males.. except the ones I absolutely can't have, the celebrities, I'll always have those ;)    (sorry for the text language right then, I had to) Also on Wednesday our acting class got its first group project. I'm working with a girl named Emily, thought it was coincidental, since one of my best friends is named Emily and took Drama with me in High school! The project is every group has been handed a script, the same exact short scened script. We are to come up with a scene using that script but thinking of an "out of the box" idea. Emily and I have decided that we are two old ladies at a Rest Home and she's trying to get me to tell her that Kilroy (some unknown character in the script) is my lover... Kilroy is going to be portrayed by a picture of Hunter Hayes. We're going to perform it this Friday, wish us luck!
          Thursday, Paige and I ate pizza and great Pizza it was! It's called doubled layered, all meat pizza or something like that. It didn't look like a normal pizza but man did it taste so good! While watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and while she did her Homework, I had already finished mine, so I went up to keep her company. Pizza was fantastic, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, not so much, don't really like the acting in the movie. When we were finished with that, we went down back to our dorms where... I received a text from the second counselor from the YSA 12th Ward (my ward) and it says and I quote: "Hi Allanah, it's Bro. Bodrero from the YSA 12th ward. Welcome to the Ward! Will you be here on Sunday? If so, would you be willing to speak in sac mtg? Topic is Loving Others, especially those different from us (8-10 min)"
I haven't even been in the ward for a month and they are already asking me to speak... and on a touchy subject for me. I get real passionate talking about loving those who are different.. So, reluctantly, I responded with a "Ok..." oh and did I mention, I'll be the only one in my whole apartment going to church?? Yep, everyone appears to be gone for the long weekend, while I remain here... in loneliness... yeah... Sunday is going to be fun. Funny thing though, I was debating whether I should go to all my meetings this week or just to sacrament meeting... then after I thought that I got the text... God definitely works in mysterious says (she says with heavy sarcasm while looking upward towards Heaven)
            Friday has been the easiest day so far.. I had one class at 9:30 in the morning and that's it. I talked with Paige while she waited for her dad to come and take her home for the long weekend... wish I had gotten to come home... it's creepy here by myself. Instead of socializing with uh no one this weekend... I've been watching Downton Abbey and I've felt pathetic doing so!
           Saturday turned out to be no different that Friday... I did almost nothing, though I did do laundry and I tidied up around my half of the room, which took me only twenty minutes to do... I tried to write my novel but just couldn't... so I went onto Pinterest!! Then that night Anna Austin and I skyped for three well deserved hours! It was good catch up with her and laugh with her and talk about college with her! Miss that girl like crazy!!! After we talked I finished writing my talk and read it out loud and figured it made sense. Read my scriptures and night time prayers then went to sleep. Got up the  next morning!
            When Sunday came I blasted MoTab throughout the entire apartment, no one was home so I didn't feel bad about it. Got ready, went over my talk again, and ten till One I walked over to the Church, shaking the whole way. Got up on the stand and read over my talk... again . Brother Bedrero told me that I would be going first and it was one of those times where the "ladies first" phrase didn't exist... I stood up and shaking like a person who was about to pass out... thankfully the passing out part never came to pass but my talk was awful, I could speak in coherent sentences but they made no sense at all... The other two speakers (who were male *wink wink*) were amazing! One of the them was preparing to leave on his mission in Argentina  and the other just made me laugh and smile! He went on his mission to Maryland and for the last six months of his mission he went to Virginia.... SIDE NOTE! For those of you who don't know... I've wanted to visit Virginia because of it's history and my first college choice was in Virginia also... so having this guy talk about how beautiful and wonderful Virginia was, made me want to go there even more than I did before! Right for second hour I was overcome with tremendous nausea but wanted to go to my class and Relief Society but decided that it be better that I vomit back in my apartment, so I left, got in my pjs, curled up in my bed and slept for a couple of hours... Thankfully I never did throw up but I definitely felt like it... Sorry if that was a bit TMI.

Thank you for reading my blog! God loves you!

~ Allanah Staggs

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